Buggering About With Bearings.

I've had a manic few days with one thing or another so imagine my frustration at coming across the first seized bits on the strip down.

The swing arm pivots were stuck more than a very stuck thing. They are drilled an tapped by the factory but it's done off centre and only for a 4 mm bolt to go in.
The idea being that you'd bung a bolt in and pull the bearing out. I've had to drill and tap the centre for a 6 mm bolt and use a drilled steel plate to make a simple puller.

A bit of heat and a tap with the hammer before  the application of a bit of brute force with a socket had the bugger out first go. I'll have to get a new set of bearings, the old ones are totally knackered but it's a small thing and on a bike this old I'm surprised I've not had a few more be a problem.
You can see the hole that the factory did and see how it being off centre may cause issues when trying to pull the bearing. I drilled it in the middle so that it didn't pull from one side and out she came.

Kay and I then spent some time cutting some steel to make a cradle for the bottom frame rails to bolt to the new hydraulic lift that my eldest daughter and her boyfriend bought me to save my knees and back.
Crawling around on a floor with my arthritis and nerve damage in my back is never fun and working at the correct height for me will solve a few issues and  mean I hurt less after a shed session.

Kay got stuck in with the chop saw today and enjoyed it. She's really getting into building again and is saving to get the bits for her Baby Bobber sorted out so she can get it finished.

The Baby and her Bobber , I can't wait to get this done for her but she has to save and get some parts for it.

I'll grab some pictures of the new lift and the bearings tomorrow and update my blog later on.

More to come, it may take time but at my age I can't be arsed with rushing and think I may have finally learnt a bit of patience.

Rock on!


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