The VFR as it arrived at my shed, It's 25 years old, the plastics are all knackered at the rear end as is the left hand fairing panel but I have a few bits and bobs lying about so it'll be getting the treatment. Standard is not something I can be comfortable with anyway so having to do the work is not really an issue It's a bit crusty under the plastics but apart from the engine cases the corrosion isn't as bad as I first thought so I may just leave the engine in for now. The carbs need a good clean and it needs wheel bearings, tyres, chain and sprockets brake lines and pads and a lick of paint once the rear of the bike is finished off. I've used a sub frame from a SRAD 750 and the plastics, I've also used some of the original Honda plastics and the two will be bonded together to create a new rear end for a single seat set up. This is not going to be used on the road much and will never carry a pillion while I own it. I have a trike project on...